@amber.guttilla: I know selling your clothes to consignment shops can be a humbling experience to say the least. But these tips will really help! 1. Call in advance to see what they’re currently buying (usually seasonal or trends based) 2. No stains or dirty clothes! Clean, neatly folder, and stain free only. 3. Arrive early! Most places are first come, first serve. I showed up 10 minutes after opening this day and was 3rd in line. Im personally a big fan of Buffalo exchange. This is where I have my best luck! And remember - if you haven’t worn it in 5+ years, somebody else probably wont either 😉 Leave that college clubbing outfit at home bestie. Stick with Vintage (20-30+ years old) or modern styles! #buffaloexchange #secondhandclothes #consignmentshop #sellingclothes