@mya.nichol: Here’s the truth — It’s taken me a while to build my business to be in a place where this type of income comes in without me having to show up 24/7 — and even with time, I just want to share that nothing is ever truly “passive”. There is always work required even when it comes to passive income Okay now let’s dive in to all the details… A look at how I showed up in my business while on vacation (all batched & scheduled in advance - except my vacay stories): •I posted 1x on instagram on Mon •I had a podcast episode go live on Tues •I had an educational email sent out on Thurs •daily IG stories with pictures from vacation & 3 stories that sold my minimind Where my income came from while on vacation: •$3497 from small group coaching •$2197 from a payment plan for 1:1 coaching from a student who signed up a few months ago •$2084 from IGU monthly subscription •$1800 from IGU yearly subscription •$1170 from Scalability payment plans from when the program was run in May •$4175 from other offers sold passively during the week through my funnels All of my income except 1 payment came from a recurring income source or a passive funnel So what can you learn from this and implement into your business? There are 2 main things: 1- THE POWER OF RECURRING REVENUE: recurring meaning that you get paid out repeatedly vs just a one time payment. This revenue comes from subscriptions, recurring affiliate commission, and payment plans. Your focus should be on creating at least one income source in your business that produces recurring revenue 2- THE POWER OF PASSIVE SALES FUNNELS: over $5k of my sales while on vacation came from my passive sales funnels. This funnel is set up strategically to help me sell offers (low to high ticket) even when I’m not actively selling. You should have at least one passive sales funnel set up to convert freebie subscribers into customers by selling multiple offers to them Want to learn how to have 4-5 figure weeks (from recurring revenue and passive income funnels) while on vacation or just while you’re out living life? Check out my most recent post over on my IG! #passiveincome #passiveincometips #businessgrowthstrategy #businessgrowthadvice

Mya | Business Coach
Mya | Business Coach
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Region: US
Thursday 06 July 2023 20:15:45 GMT




Aimee :
What job do you do?
2023-07-14 17:43:20
professor_ajudin :
Now this is Intresting!!
2023-07-12 15:25:38
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