@j.t.odonnell: These 2 Career Quizzes Will Change Your Life!!! Everyday job seekers come to me and say they can't find a job. but then I start to talk to them and realize they don't understand what their unique combination of professional strengths are. so I built two quizzes that are free to take that help people unlock their career potential. once you understand your communication style and you work please personas, you will be able to narrow in on jobs that are fit for you. better still once you get in the job you'll be able to shine, stand out and be able to really get ahead. if you're looking to make more money and just be happier overall in your career then you need to take these two quizzes to help you start to tap into your real potential! #workplacepersonas #communicationstyle #careerquiz #careerdecoder #workitdaily #careeradvice #careerhelp #careertiktok