@tatawalata3lol: For the people that always ask me how I keep my body-hair growth to a minimum, this is my secret 🤫 I use the LEXI Intense Pulse Light (IPL) Permanent Hair Removal System. The difference I noticed in my hair growth after using this machine is crazyyy! It has a built-in contact sensor, manual & auto mode, built-in uv shield, auto shutoff timer, 5 energy levels (1,000,000 flash capacity) ⚕ FDA cleared for at-home use 🛒 available instore and online & Walmart / or on www.spasciences.com for $79.99 Get yours @spasciences 🤩 #spasciences #permanenthairremoval #hairremoval #beautytools #bringthespahome #partnered #spasciencespartner