@itssummerssomewhere: Have you ever been to a dog 🐕 beach? Here are 5 of them in no particular order: 1️⃣Quiet waters beach Annapolis md 2️⃣Matapeake Park 3️⃣Downs Park Dog Beach 4️⃣Dog Beach in California, MD 5️⃣Pet Beach in Scotland, MD Its hot outside not just for us but for them too so why not head to a dog beach for a dip! Tokeyo (m) 🐩is 12 years old and gets winded and hot easily so he only wanted to stay in the shade but Poe (m)🦮 (Edgar Allen) is a young dog and wanted to splash and play the entire time! We will leave Tokeyo home next time. 🙃 The cost 💰of the park was $6 per car. Humans 🧑👨are not allowed to swim in the lake but 🐕 can. The view is 🌅🌊beautiful and there is alot more this park offers which I will share in a later video. #marylandbeaches #hiddenbeachesinmaryland #marylanddog #baltimoredogs #annearundelcounty #dogbeachfun #californiamd #matapeakebeach