@mermaid.kayleigh: Replying to @Julsss I’ll always show back up on social media saying that sharks are truly misunderstood despite any intense encounter that I have. You dont really get it til you have experienced them. They dont seek humans as a food source. We are too bony & hard to digest for sharks. On very rare occasions they mistake us as their food like a hurt injured seal or turtle. In the situation shown here, which is a video by @andriana_marine, a Mako shark is going for my camera after smelling the bait in the water & feeling the electrical outputs my camera gives off that can mimic prey. We 100% put ourselves in this situation & the shark wouldnt have reacted that way otherwise. Still, shark tourism is a benefit for sharks as it shows they are worth more alive than dead. Otherwise, they will continue to be killed for their fins & meat or caught as bycatch by commercial fishing at a current rate of 100 million per year. #savesharks #sharkdiving #makoshark #swimwithsharks