@wearedigitaldiplomacy: “The role of the 💃🕺 First Ladies and Gentlemen of the world is changing,” said 🇺🇦 Ukraine First Lady Olena Zelenska on the sidelines of the 🌐 NATO summit in 🇱🇹 Vilnius, Lithuania earlier this week. The initiative that Zelenska founded a few years ago to bring together First Ladies and Gentlemen from around the world has attracted a lot of attention and produced important concrete results — helping children in need, addressing migrant flows, and countering disinformation — in particular after 🇷🇺 Russia’s invasion of 🇺🇦 Ukraine. “We felt we have not only soft power but quite a strong power,” the Ukrainian First Lady, wife of President Volodymyr Zekensky, said during one of her rare speeches in English. “We are the agents of change the world needs rights now.” #olenazelenska #digitaldiplomacy