@thelunarchild: People keep asking me if mercury is retrograde because life seens chaotic 😂 the answer is No, Its wayyy bigger than that! The lunar nodes are shifting signs. Whatever axis the lunar nodes are in is where FATE, changes, and choas happen 😂😂 its when the universe steps in and supports the collective growth, and pluto is REALLY helping us evolve lol Pluto is all about evolution and will create crisis in our lives to ensure we get to where we need to go! So hold on tight. This too shall pass… its just a WILD time right now with the shedding of SCORPIO energy for the collective! #thelunarnodes #lunarnodes #northnodeinaries #southnodeinlibra #northnodeintaurus #southnodeinscorpio #astrologytransits #enegyupdate #dailyastro #astrologyexplained #zodiactransit