@leaderofthepacklv: I said what I said. Every single sign and symptom of “littermate syndrome” can also be found in a dog who was poorly raised by themselves. Every single sign and symptom of “littermate syndrome” can also be found in dogs that were raised terribly, together, and are NOT siblings. So what does this tell us?? That littermate syndrome is a lie. And the terms tends to point blame at the puppies like THEY are the problem and people are the victims of it 🤦🏻♂️ “My puppy has Littermate syndrome”. 🥴 No, puppies are puppies and you thought it was a good idea to two and you weren’t prepared. 💯 It should be called: “Consequences of shitty puppy training syndrome” ✅ “What was I thinking syndrome” ✅ “In over my head syndrome” ✅ “Bit off more than I can chew syndrome”✅ “Won’t do THAT again syndrome” ✅ “I have no idea what I’m doing syndrome”✅ Pick one or make up your own. Just make sure you know where to point the finger 🫵🏽 Remember this: YOU SHOULD NEVER GET TWO PUPPIES AT THE SAME TIME. It’s too much work for MOST people. One puppy is too much work for most people. Don’t bother with two. 🫠 #dogbehavior #dogtrainingtips #dogtraining101 #littermatesyndrome #puppyproblems #puppy101 #fearfuldog #aggressivedog #separationanxiety