@guidetoiceland: Today, our volcanic eruption is 1 week old 🌋 The eruption is located near the mountain Litli-Hrútur, which translates to “Little Ram” 🐏⛰️ The area is north of the previous two Fagradalsfjall eruptions, which means that the hike to the site is longer 🥾 Make sure the trail is open before you head off! Pack food and water 🍎💧 and make sure that you’re wearing good sturdy hiking boots and proper hiking clothes. #icelandvolcano #iceland #volcano #icelandvolcanoeruption #volcanoeruptioniceland #volcanoeruption #icelandvolcanolive #volcanoes #icelandadventure #icelandtravelguide #howtotraveliceland #icelandtraveltips #thingstodoiniceland #whattodoiniceland #icelandtravel #goingtoiceland #travel #fyp #foryou #foryoupage