@jacobzemer: Jake is this caption okay for the TikTok later I did PRP this past summer and it was an amazing experience. My hair has definitely thickened, and it was the right choice for me. Am I telling you to do this? I don’t know. I don’t even know if you’re f***ing losing your hair. But it did work for me, and I also found the topical finasteride spray very effective and the ceto shampoo. I saw @drcarloswesley, I think he’s phenomenal. Yes, you can save your hair. Yes it’s expensive. Hair transplants are about $20k. I did PRP, it was about $5k. I spend about $100 a month on the spray and shampoo. Feel free ask me about my experience in the comments below. #prp #prphair #prphairrestoration #prphairtreatment #prphairloss #prpinjections #plateletrichplasma #menshealth #thinninghair #ketoshampoo #saveyourhair #performancecoach #personaltrainer #nyctrainer #nycfitnesstrainer #dannycfit