@edjupickleball: Let’s talk about BALANCE. I haven’t heard many instructors talk about this before, but balance is actually a super skill to have in pickleball— it’s a bit tricky to teach because it’s something we do as a reflexive nature. While the goal of this exercise isn’t to get us to never move our heads, minimizing our head movement and becoming more in tune with our stability can help us learn how always be ready for that next shot. If you watch the pros play, it’s incredible how balanced they are. They’re facing forwards whenever they can, and they’re always getting their body stabilized for that next shot. Save this video for later and start incorporating balance into your game. — Paddle: Labs 006 @selkirklabsbyselkirk Use Code: ADV-DAVISPICKLEBALL — #pickleballislife #pickleball #pickleballtips #pickleballaddict #davispickleball #selkirksport #wearepickleball #pickleballdrills #pickleballcoach