@nikkiburdine: I cannot believe I’m posting video of this. Not that I have Tourette’s, but me actually ‘ticking.’ @megtomwx is so open about her disability and is always encouraging me to talk more about mine. I’m not embarrassed that I have TS, but I’ve spent my entire life hiding my tics. Doing them when I think no one is looking or “dumbing them down.” To do them on camera is terrifying. But today is #disabilityindependenceday - and I couldn’t think of a better day for us to share openly about our disabilities - and how they’ve only made us stronger. #disabilitytiktok #nashville #tvnews #disabilitypride #tourettes #tourettessyndrome #tourettessyndromeawareness #tourettesawareness #tourettesyndrome #tics #ticsandtourettes #hearingaids #hearingimpaired