@our_da: 🚨 The ANC’s Minister of Labour and Employment, Thulas Nxesi, vindicated the DA’s fight against the ANC’s race quotas by confirming that his political party is resurrecting apartheid-era racial divisions in South Africa. During an interview on SABC News, Minister Thulas Nxesi has confirmed that the Employment Equity Amendment Act is built on racial quotas that will ban the employment of South African citizens on the basis of race in sectors and areas where they are “over concentrated.” The ANC has now placed it on the public record that Indian, coloured, white and black South Africans will be banned from taking up positions in companies where the “target” for their race group has been met. Companies that employ more workers with the “wrong” skin colour will be severely punished by losing access to state contracts and by being fined up to 10% of their annual turnover. The DA is pressing ahead with our court case to declare these race quotas unconstitutional. South African legal precedent makes it clear that race quotas are illegal.