@halfassedhippiemama: How we behave as adults in our personal relationship impacts our children greatly, especially our daughters. Having a revolving door of father figures or boyfriends in your children’s lives leads to abandonment issues which often develop into borderline personality disorder. My experience comes from working in a mental health hospital since 2017. Protect your daughters ❤️ #bpd #bpdawareness #personalitydisorders #narcissticmother #narcissisticparent #putyourchildrenfirst #healthybehaviours #modelhealthyfamilies #modelhealthyrelationships #boundaries #dobetter #beabetterexample #breastfeeding #breastfeedingmother #tandembreastfeeding #breastfeedingmum #breastfeedingmama #normalisebreastfeeding #normalisebreastfeedingonsocialmedia