@_e.taylor_: SAVE THIS FOR YOUR NEXT GYM / LEG DAY Grab 1 heavy kettlebell and prepare for prayer 😮💨😥😂 This is a single set workout !!! 45-90 sec break between full set -Sumo deadlift clean 3 sets -12 Reps -60° Lunge(or extended lunge) 3 sets- 12 reps each side -Flamingo Drops (wrap one foot around the other and allow the weight to fall into that glute.) 3 sets- 12 reps each side -KB Squat hold to Squat 3 sets 30 sec hold 12Reps -Lateral lunge 3 sets- 12 reps each side Any questions? Ask below LIKE -SAVE FOR YOUR NEXT WORKOUT-SHARE W/A friend & try it together. —— PRESS THE LINK IN MY BIO TO JOIN THE APP—- #kettlebellworkout #legday #fullbody #workout #melanintok #workoutroutine