@lexafernn: every day can’t be this perfect type of morning where you have a “5 am morning routine” of having your clothes laid out from the night before, doing a morning workout, showering, and having breakfast by 8 am, you are human and sometimes starting your day might need a little more time and you might need to atill take your time getting into the work day. Just remember you are not worthless, this day is not a race, and you still have so much day left! #youarehuman #latestartoftheday #latestartmorning #MentalHealth #normalizinglife #gettinguplate #dayslikethese #realisticmorningroutine #youaredoingyourbest #motivation #selfcompassion #wellness #wellnesstok #wellnesscontentcreator #latinacontentcreator #latinatherapist