@thesamanthajd: 3 Common Mistakes I see UGC creators making☕️👀 👉🏽Focusing too much time in making a cute/aesthetic portfolio and not enough time making solid UGC concepts to go IN that portfolio 👉🏽Not making yourself easy to get in contact with 👉🏽Pitching incorrectly If you’re having trouble with any of these three things above let’s work on it!🙌🏽 #ugcpitches #ugcdeals #ugc #ugccreator #ugccommunity #ugctips #ugctips2023 #ugccoach #ugccoach2023 #ugcportfolio #ugcexample #howtostartugc #whatisugc #ugcjourney #usergeneratedcontent #usergeneratedcontentcreator #ugcinspiration #contentcreator #contentcreatortips #contenttips #contentcreation #tiktokgrowthtips #tiktoktips #socialmediagrowth 3 mistakes Ugc creators make Ugc email subject line Ugc pitch Ugc deal