@trailrunnerharm: Hoka Anacapa 2 Gore-Tex. Most hikers don’t buy Hoka’s for the support. They buy them for their cushioning and low weight. Anacapa 2 does not feel as soft as the former model. Hoka is aiming for a firmer model with more durability and a more ‘hiker feel’ instead of a ‘runner feel’. Can’t wait to go out. Every step on Hoka’s is something special. #hoka #hokaoneone #goretex #vibram #outdoorgear #outdoorgearreviews #outdoorgearfind #outdoorgeartips #outdoorgearfind #Fitness #fitnessjourney #FitnessLifestyle #fitnessgoals #fitnessfreak #fitnesslife #fitnessmotivation #hiker #hikerlife #hikeordie #hikemore #hikemoreworryless #hikemountains #backpacker #backpackerlife #hillwalk