@dr.bioforever: The surface of red blood cells is coated with antigens. Red blood cell surface antigens determine your blood type. . When it comes to the A and B red blood cell surface antigens, your body will produce antibodies against the red blood cell surface antigen/s that your red blood cells don't have. . For example, if you are B blood type (your red blood cells have the B surface antigen) then your body will produce the anti-A antibody (but not the anti-B antibody). This means that if you are B blood type and receive a blood transfusion from an individual with the A surface antigen (A blood type or AB blood type), then your anti-A antibodies will "attack" the transfused red blood cells. This will make the transfused red blood cells agglutinate together, which can plug up blood vessels. . Also, the immune system will eventually destroy the incompatible transfused red blood cells and this will cause jaundice (the hemoglobin released from the red blood cells into the blood will be broken down into bilirubin, and excessive amounts of bilirubin are toxic to the body). In conclusion, getting an incompatible blood transfusion can be life-threatening. . There are many red blood cell surface antigens, but the most important ones when it comes to compatibility of blood transfusions are the AB and Rh group antigens (they are determined by two different genes: the ABO gene and the Rh gene). . Antibodies against A, B or Rh antigens are used to figure out if people have any of those red blood surface antigens. I tested my own blood and my blood type is B+. This means that my red blood cells have the B surface antigen (B) as well as the Rh group surface antigen (+). . In this video I used an Olympus CX31 microscope at up to 400x magnification. #redbloodcells #bloodtype #bloodtyping #erythrocytes #bloodtransfusion #drbioforever
Adolfo Sánchez-Blanco, Ph.D
Region: US
Monday 07 August 2023 13:42:35 GMT
Lulaay :
What about type O?
2023-08-08 14:10:00
rouge :
what would happen? using words 😂 basic words 😂😂😂
2023-08-07 17:27:37
AJ :
mine are AB+ , if I wanted to donate, which blood types could receive my blood?
2023-08-12 19:42:01
Jennifer OBrien :
Using this with my Forensic Science students over at Watkinson School in Hartford!
2023-08-10 17:05:12
𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐚🇧🇷✞ :
Thank you so much for showing all these Videos. Its so interesting and i could Watch them all day!
2023-08-09 05:59:58
I feel pain
2023-08-07 14:47:24
Rpaez9 :
Thank you, broke out everything pretty clear, I’m O- can you explain about how I’m “universal”
2023-08-09 09:08:39
Elsie :
My poor little dog caught a blood transfusion in 1984, which killed her.
2023-08-08 01:40:30
Sara :
They will not agglutinate inside the body, there will be hemolysis ( breakage)
2023-08-11 12:13:53
Adolfo Sánchez-Blanco, Ph.D :
Read the caption for more details about blood typing and blood transfusion compatibility issues 💚🩸
2023-08-07 13:45:13
kokokiki9634 :
i m O-
2023-09-18 22:02:36
CajunSparkle☆ :
I’m A+ and my daughter is AB+
2024-03-10 08:37:30
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