@ungkapan.hatiii: #bocoumahmad #bloommedia

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Tuesday 08 August 2023 13:32:53 GMT




kurirfurniture_ :
2024-09-16 15:14:00
Super M⚡️ :
totally me🙂
2024-04-06 15:40:55
99 :
2024-03-02 13:55:05
𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗵𝗼 :
2023-10-26 06:31:58
xxx :
2023-11-14 14:32:17
I'm fine🙂
2023-11-03 13:45:02
Bagaskaraaa. :
2023-10-28 15:36:48
Roxas999 :
2023-10-26 17:36:10
4B Four Brother :
relate bat🗿
2023-10-27 04:37:06
KokoZx :
2023-08-16 08:46:58
nurl uyuy :
tapi kenapa cowo gue suka nya debat :((
2023-08-08 23:45:01
caprigirl. :
gua yg slalu mempermasalahkan hal kecil, dan doi slalu ninggalin gua tdr padahal belum selesai tuh masalah 😌
2023-08-11 19:14:50
Yulicntek :
tapi gua tipe cewe yang kalau ada masalah harus di bahas smpe tuntas, terus baikan deh. itu yang bikin komunikasi baik
2023-08-17 17:54:55
Taurus ♉ :
diwaktu kita ngertiin posisi dia karena capeee , disisi lain kita juga pengen dicari dlu setelah capenya itu bukan orang lain, tp kenapa menghindar -
2024-02-15 19:33:17
Omeprazole :
aku kalau ada masalah harus langsung dibahas dan diselesaiin saat itu juga dan ingin besoknya masalah itu selesai
2023-10-30 11:36:05
Ajil :
Pendem makin ga enak, ngomong malah jadi masalah😁
2024-05-03 16:46:06
𝑬 𝑴 𝑰 𝑳 𝑳 𝒀 ♡. :
ya kalau ada masalah ya selesaikan . jangan di pendem . jika dipendem ya bisa bikin hancur tuh hubungan . karna itu adanya "no more secret" 😊
2023-08-16 06:29:24
🙋🏻‍♀️ :
oalaaa iyaa ngerti deh sekarang
2023-08-12 12:04:26
Dina :
Kebalik nih, kenapa aku yang selalu mendem unek², karena aku pikir dia capek kerja yaudah, hari libur waktunya dia istirahat, tapi ketika ada keributan lagi meledak tuh masalah kemarin yang ku pendem,
2024-01-28 12:25:58
IG: @Salsaabl.f_ :
tapi aku tipe cewe yang kalau ada masalah harus di bahas smpe tuntas, terus baikan deh. itu yang bikin komunikasi baik
2023-11-26 12:02:31
Gonat_ :
Dah dapat jawapan. Skil pendam aku belum cukup cemerlang😂
2024-02-10 18:14:13
ab :
2024-01-17 04:21:40
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it was mine and my boyfriend’s anniversary the same day as my birthday, so made him a small cake❤️ his favourite kind of cake is red velvet, so made a red velvet cake filled with cream cheese covered in swiss meringue buttercream. writing on cakes isn’t my strongest point, but at least the writing’s legible?…don’t know about the “anniversary” bit though lol😅🥲 ~red velvet cake recipe from “Joconde’s baking” on youtube (Fluffy Soft Red Velvet Cake)✨ ~swiss meringue buttercream from “sallysbakingaddiction.com”✨ Recipe— 1. MAKE RED VELVET CAKE. In bowl, add the 3 eggs and 125g sugar and place in hot water bath. mix until sugar all dissolves, and whisk with electric whisk/stand mixer until fluffy and pale. 2. Add in flour and cocoa powder, and fold. Then in a mug, mix double cream, coffee, vanilla extract, salt and red food gel; and then add into cake batter. 3. In separate bowl, whisk egg whites and gradually add in the 70g sugar until stiff peaks. Add to cake batter and fold until well combined. 4. Divide batter into 2x 6inch cake tins, and bake at 160°C for 30-35mins. Let them cool, and then cut out heart shape using serrated knife. 5. MAKE SWISS MERINGUE BUTTERCREAM. combine egg whites and sugar and put bowl over a saucepan with simmering water. Whisk regularly until sugar dissolves and mixture is thin. 6. Then take out of saucepan and, using standmixer, whisk on high speed until stiff peak forms (approx 20mins for me). Then add in soft butter bit by bit, beating well in between. Then add vanilla and salt. beat buttercream for another 15-20mins at high speed to make whiter, then at low speed for few mins. 7. MAKE CREAM CHEESE FILLING. Beat soft butter, then add in cream cheese and beat until well combined. Then add icing sugar and beat well. 8. ASSEMBLE CAKE. drizzle sugar syrup on a layer; make a dam with buttercream; add in cream cheese filling; place second layer on top and drizzle with sugar syrup. 9. Crumbcoat with buttercream and place in fridge/freezer until sets (i put in freezer for 5-10mins). Then do final coat and refrigerate/freeze until sets, another 5-10mins. 10. Decorate cake with a star piping nozzle with 8 points (sorry my nozzle doesn’t have a number). and place red ribbons. Enjoy✨ Notes: •i made the red velvet cake, cream cheese filling, swiss meringue buttercream and sugar syrup the day before assembling the cake. stored the red velvet cake, cream cheese filling and sugar syrup in fridge, and stored buttercream at room temp.  •i made a bigger batch of the cream cheese filling and SMB but estimated the amount you’ll need in the ingredients list to make this 6inch cake. but you might still have some leftover, if so just refrigerate/freeze to use another time. #redvelvetcake #redvelvet #cake #cakes #ribboncake #swissmeringuebuttercream #creamcheesefrosting #creamcheese #b#bakingb#bakeh#homebakinghomebaker
it was mine and my boyfriend’s anniversary the same day as my birthday, so made him a small cake❤️ his favourite kind of cake is red velvet, so made a red velvet cake filled with cream cheese covered in swiss meringue buttercream. writing on cakes isn’t my strongest point, but at least the writing’s legible?…don’t know about the “anniversary” bit though lol😅🥲 ~red velvet cake recipe from “Joconde’s baking” on youtube (Fluffy Soft Red Velvet Cake)✨ ~swiss meringue buttercream from “sallysbakingaddiction.com”✨ Recipe— 1. MAKE RED VELVET CAKE. In bowl, add the 3 eggs and 125g sugar and place in hot water bath. mix until sugar all dissolves, and whisk with electric whisk/stand mixer until fluffy and pale. 2. Add in flour and cocoa powder, and fold. Then in a mug, mix double cream, coffee, vanilla extract, salt and red food gel; and then add into cake batter. 3. In separate bowl, whisk egg whites and gradually add in the 70g sugar until stiff peaks. Add to cake batter and fold until well combined. 4. Divide batter into 2x 6inch cake tins, and bake at 160°C for 30-35mins. Let them cool, and then cut out heart shape using serrated knife. 5. MAKE SWISS MERINGUE BUTTERCREAM. combine egg whites and sugar and put bowl over a saucepan with simmering water. Whisk regularly until sugar dissolves and mixture is thin. 6. Then take out of saucepan and, using standmixer, whisk on high speed until stiff peak forms (approx 20mins for me). Then add in soft butter bit by bit, beating well in between. Then add vanilla and salt. beat buttercream for another 15-20mins at high speed to make whiter, then at low speed for few mins. 7. MAKE CREAM CHEESE FILLING. Beat soft butter, then add in cream cheese and beat until well combined. Then add icing sugar and beat well. 8. ASSEMBLE CAKE. drizzle sugar syrup on a layer; make a dam with buttercream; add in cream cheese filling; place second layer on top and drizzle with sugar syrup. 9. Crumbcoat with buttercream and place in fridge/freezer until sets (i put in freezer for 5-10mins). Then do final coat and refrigerate/freeze until sets, another 5-10mins. 10. Decorate cake with a star piping nozzle with 8 points (sorry my nozzle doesn’t have a number). and place red ribbons. Enjoy✨ Notes: •i made the red velvet cake, cream cheese filling, swiss meringue buttercream and sugar syrup the day before assembling the cake. stored the red velvet cake, cream cheese filling and sugar syrup in fridge, and stored buttercream at room temp. •i made a bigger batch of the cream cheese filling and SMB but estimated the amount you’ll need in the ingredients list to make this 6inch cake. but you might still have some leftover, if so just refrigerate/freeze to use another time. #redvelvetcake #redvelvet #cake #cakes #ribboncake #swissmeringuebuttercream #creamcheesefrosting #creamcheese #b#bakingb#bakeh#homebakinghomebaker
