@j.t.odonnell: Replying to @Amber | Life & Work When You Know Your Coworker Makes More $$$ Than You! 🤔🤨😳🤬. It could be a really awkward conversation to have with your boss. If you know your coworker makes more than you, but you can’t throw them in there boss and admit that they were the one that told you. So how do you have that conversation that you can make more money. I’ve seen this approach a lot of different ways over the years and in this video I explain the best way I’ve seen for it to work. The key is to take the emotion out of it and focus on yourself. You’re going in essentially to find out whether or not they think you’re worth the extra money. And you’re leaving knowing if you’re going to get it or if it’s time to seek revenge by getting a new job. I also make it really clear in this video that if they counter offer when you go to leave, don’t except it. That’s just to buy some time with a find a replacement. To learn more how to take control of your career. I hope you’ll check out my TikTok series or head on over and grab a seven day free trial for career coaching at my company workitdaily.com. #salarytransparent #salaryissue #salarytransparency #salarynegotiation #careeradvice #careertiktok