@michaelcranny6687: Halo all, Friday #workout is complete. We made a fairly decent #legday today, only three minor annoyances from this. First was as I was in new #gymshoes my feet cramped up and made me have to pause on the #elliptical a couple times. Second, I know I need proper form but doing #squats with just the bar makes me feel weak. Lastly, I didn’t get as many active minutes as I would’ve like in the #gym, so I added a walk after. But, aside from that I’m feeling pretty good. So now that we’re done another week of back to the four days. I’m feeling better, and more ready to face the road ahead. A few concerns…but I’ll be ready 😊. Hope you all had a great week. #weightlossmotivation #strengthtraining #cardio #fatburn #promisetomyself #swoleisthegoal #backupyourbullshit #gymmotivation #seeitthrough #betteringmyself #progressnotperfection #happyplace #feelingstronger #shaketheblues #findyourcenter #onehealthclubs #iamcanadian #canadastrongman #polarbearstrong #baldandstrong