@just4kidsphysio: By 5-6 months of age babies should be able to prop themselves up from their hands with extended arms on their tummy-I call this the baby push up! #grossmotorskills #newbaby #newmama #pedipt #pediatricphysicaltherapy #kidsphysio #babyarms #tummytime #tummytimefun #developmentalmilestones #developmentaldisabilities #firstyear #5monthsold #6monthsold #4monthsold #earlyintervention
PLEAsee help. My baby just rolls over when i try to do this she hates hates hates it
2025-03-19 04:13:00
Lucy Ashbrooke679 :
My 6 month old hitting all milestones but she can’t push onto her hands yet and if I help her she really struggles I think 6 months is early for this more like 7-8 months
2024-06-27 18:31:54
Nicola93 :
Is it just me that’s scared to try this in case is hurts their baby?
2023-08-17 14:10:34
user2877150527230 :
My baby keeps supermening it hahaha arms out and balance on his belly lol
2023-08-27 11:21:54
eman :
My boy is 5 months and we are still struggling with shoulder support and not insterested in rolling
2023-10-27 02:56:31
Ade Adelina :
or let them do it at their own pace and at the right time!In this era we want to hurry absolutely everything, we intervene only if necessary...
2023-08-28 15:31:13
Lauren Schilling :
Do you have tips for tummy time with a 3 month old? Struggling with turning and lifting his head!
2023-08-16 04:22:11
Steffi B :
my 7 months does not like this. it hurts him
2024-07-13 19:09:08
Celeste❣️ :
how can I encourage my 10m/o son to crawl (use his knees) instead of dragging/sliding himself only using his 👋
2023-08-16 04:32:49
Happy childhood, Good parents
2023-08-18 09:49:03
Julianne :
My baby just started this like 2 weeks ago she’s 8.5 months! Does she need PT??
2023-09-25 22:08:04
jody mae :
What do I do if my kid refuses to do it?
2023-08-28 01:27:27
amira.hh176 :
V b mm n am
2024-11-13 13:34:33
S :
I don’t fully understand how you helped. I tried and 4 month old got very angry. Can you explain more
2023-08-16 04:22:54
Weng Teoh :
my baby does that when he's 4 months. he is now 5 months and 10 days and his lifting his but when he roll over or tummy time🥰
2023-10-12 16:50:02
Betel :
how old is she
2023-09-13 14:09:01
Ashley Hak :
@666aml666 moeten we eerst hiermee beginnen ivm de benen😂 gaat t wat makkelijker met kruipe hhaha
2023-08-23 21:22:27
Petra🖤 :
at what age can we try to do this
2024-06-08 19:57:59
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