@dr.bioforever: Beach sand grains under the microscope are so beautiful. . It was so much fun comparing the sand grains of these two different beaches. The first one is from Asturias (Spain). The name of this incredible beach is “Playa de cuevas del mar”. The second one is from Aveiro (Portugal). The name of this other beach is “Praia de São Jacinto”. . In the first beach, the sand grains were more colorful and had bits of shells and calcium carbonate skeletons. In the second beach, the sand grains were more homogeneous in color and shape. The sand grains in the second beach looked like microscopic asteroids. . In your opinion, which one of the two beaches had prettier sand grains? . For this video I used a Leica ZOOM 200 stereoscope and an Olympus CX31 microscope at up to 40X magnification. #beachsand #beach #playa #microscopy #microscope #microscopio #sandgrains #praiadesãojacinto #cuevasdelmar #drbioforever