@adam_frater: If you're not challenged, what's the point? - I never tried 5 consecutive muscle-ups-to-handstand-pushups before. So when @starboy.uk hit me with the challenge, I had to come through. Sometimes social pressure can be a positive. That's why you're supposed to surround yourself with people who inspire and challenge you. It brings out the best in you. If I didn't feel pressured by my friend and the group of people watching, I wouldn't have known I could do this. That's why I say... "If you're not challenged, you're not at your fullest potential." (Ps. Ideally your peers pressure you in a positive way. This group keeps the energy and the vibes on another level! That's why they always come together to train.) #calisthenics #calisthenicsmovement #streetworkout #calisthenicstraining #bodygoals #hspu #muscleup #gymnastics #shredded #6pack #abs #peopleareawesome #adrenaline #skills #menshealth #mensfitness #bodyweightworkout #bodycontrol #movement #calistenia #handstand