@hugeajax: Are you a grumpy brand, or a smiley brand? @Apollon @BeauButler

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Thursday 07 September 2023 13:58:20 GMT




user Andy :
2023-10-24 18:09:39
gerald ottesen :
so F'ng hot
2023-10-01 02:27:59
טל :
2023-09-23 17:33:10
טל :
2023-09-23 17:33:05
can someone tag the guy in the blue hat 🤔🤔🤔
2023-09-07 14:23:29
tracey :
2023-09-07 14:16:55
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The Daily Struggle: Every morning, you wake up to the gentle Fajr prayer call. For a moment, your heart stirs to rise... but your nafs whispers:
The Daily Struggle: Every morning, you wake up to the gentle Fajr prayer call. For a moment, your heart stirs to rise... but your nafs whispers: "Just five more minutes." Those minutes become an hour. A prayer missed. A promise to yourself broken. It starts small, doesn't it? The Slow Poison Yesterday, it was a skipped Fajr. Today, it's a lustful glance you "accidentally" let linger. Tomorrow, it'll be backbiting disguised as "sharing concerns." Next week, a small lie that "doesn't hurt anyone." Your phone buzzes. A message from someone you shouldn't be talking to. Your nafs says: "What's the harm? It's just chatting." But deep down, you know where this path leads. Each message slowly chips away at your self-control, until the wall of your values begins to crumble. At work, a chance to take credit for someone else's effort presents itself. Your nafs argues: "You've worked hard too. You deserve this." The lie forms on your tongue as easily as breathing. But at night, why does your success taste like ashes? Your sister stopped wearing hijab a while ago. "It's just too hard these days," she said. Your nafs whispers: "Times are different now." You stay silent. After all, it's her choice, right? Another battle lost, not by fighting, but by failing to fight. Your brother talks about his "investments." Interest-based, but "everyone does it." Your nafs reassures you: "He needs to secure his future." You nod along. The halal alternatives seem too complicated anyway. Another surrender, draped in the clothes of practicality. Your nafs is patient. It doesn't need to win big. It weakens your heart one tiny sin at a time. At night, alone with your thoughts, you feel it. The weight of these thousand tiny defeats. Your nafs has built a palace of compromises, And you're the one imprisoned inside. The Real Cost When you give in to your nafs: - That glance at what is forbidden scars your heart - Those coins of interest seem small, but they poison your wealth - The backbiting that felt like harmless gossip becomes a mountain of regret - The prayer delayed becomes a prayer abandoned Your heart, once so sensitive that it would tremble at the mention of Allah, now barely stirs. Remember when a single verse would move you to tears? Now you scroll past reminders, your nafs saying: "Later, later." The Prophet ﷺ warned us of the heart's corruption. Look at yours now. When was the last time it truly felt alive with Allah's remembrance? The Way Forward But there is hope. Every moment is a new chance: - When your nafs calls you to sin, remember Who is watching - When it pushes you to delay good, recall how short life is - When it tempts you with the temporary, reflect on the eternal Your nafs tells you: "You can repent tomorrow." But how many tomorrows are left? The Sweetness of Victory Imagine: - Standing in tahajjud, tears flowing, not from fear or guilt, but from joy. Pure, overwhelming joy. Your nafs, finally quiet, finally at peace. Because it's not about destroying your nafs, It's about elevating it. From Ammarah (evil) to Lawwama (self-reproaching) to Mutma'inna (at peace). - Saying "no" to a desire and feeling stronger, not deprived - Your heart so full of Allah's remembrance that sins lose their appeal Remember: Every "no" to your nafs is a "yes" to Allah. The Real Question Tonight, as you lay in bed, ask yourself: Who won today - you or your nafs? When your time comes, what will you wish you had conquered? This moment, right now: Who will you choose to be? What will you choose to fight for? Your nafs fights dirty. It knows your weaknesses, your excuses, and breaking points. But you have something stronger - the help of Al-Qawiyy, The Most Strong. Don't let another day pass in defeat. The battle renews with each breath. Your nafs or your Lord - this moment, right now, who will you choose? Your nafs is reading this too, already preparing its excuses. But your heart... your heart knows the truth.
