@ragstorichesanimalrescu: Wisp is getting into her party mood to help us a fundraise. Unfortunately, one of our other Puppies tested positive for parvo luckily show symptoms before getting very sick. He is now at er being hospitalized. If every single person who follows us or sees this just donated $1-5 we could cover the 5k+ bill. This means our other 3 will most likely have it:( we are looking at 30k+ if each one stays 2 days at ER https://linktr.ee/rags_to_riches_animalrescue (in bio) PayPal dominiqueamerosa Venmo ragstorichesanimalrescueinc Zelle Rags to Riches Animal Rescue Inc Cash app $RagstoRichesAnimal ##fyp##rescue##foryou##foryoupage##followus##follow##rescuecat##rescuedkittens##wisp##rescuekittensoftik##rescuekitten##kitten##kittenlove