@nayturesown: 🍈 💦 Make my all time favorite green jucie with me 🥰 Did honeydew is the perfect healthy replacement for sports drinks. Honeydew is 90% water and packed with electrolytes so it is perfect for post workout and staying hydrated. ➡️ honeydew is packed with vitamin C, which is perfect for a healthy immune system. ➡️ honeydew helps to level blood pressure do to its high constant in potassium. ➡️ magnesium provide vitamin B and Folate, which eight in brain development and brain function. honey, do with one of my favorite fruits to eat while I’m detoxing. My next detox will be the beginning of October. I don’t want to do it alone, so please join me click the link in my bio and let’s detox together‼️#gre#greenjuiceg#vegangirlv#livingmybestlifer#survivingveganbrandambassadora#healthiswealthm#iamsurvivingveganm#iamsurvivingvegandetoxt#detoxw#howwerolln#cincinnatin#honeydewr#springwaterislifei#juicingforhealthi#juicingtiktokm@iamsurvivingvegan