@bariatrickayla: I cannot believe it has almost been 2 months! The photo at the beginning of this video is the same pair of jeans 2 months apart😳❤️ Today was not the greatest for food. I did not stay on track, I got too busy, and forgot to eat the rest of my food. I generally have about 6 alarms on my phone each day to remind me to eat, drink, and take all my vitamins. I will do better tomorrow. Be kind to yourselves when you make mistakes ❤️ #gastricbypass #gastricbypassrecovery #gastricsleeve #bariatricsurgery #bariatriccommunity #bariatriclife #bariatricpostop #wls #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #beforeandafterweightloss #weightlossjouney #fyp #weightlosssurgery #beforeandaftersurgery #weightlossmotivation #watchmeshrink #wieiad #bariatricmeals #bariatricmealprep #gastricbypassmeals #gastricbypassjourney #gastricbypassfood #gastricbypassmealprep