@02.15_yan: 後來我學乖了 不再有太強的占有慾 不再牽涉對方自由 不再因為沒有及時回應而生氣難過 不再探究就對方此時此刻在做什麼 不再纏著對方陪我聊天 不再要求公開戀情 我學會了閉嘴 不會再去過問太多 其實愛與不愛自己最清楚 好像所有事只要觸碰到底線多能睜一隻眼閉一隻眼. #流量回來 #我要上推薦 #哀居在主頁 #fyp #高雄 #樹德

Open In TikTok:
Region: TW
Sunday 17 September 2023 06:41:12 GMT




勇者 :
2023-09-18 02:15:15
陈桑 :
2023-09-17 21:00:05
雅痞伸士 :
2023-09-17 20:15:15
琉璃色孔雀♉ :
2023-10-26 11:41:00
ʚं雨天ฅ :
我覺得有佔有慾很好 起碼你在乎嘛對吧~~~ 別為了一件事情失去了自己的性格 佔有慾強總會有人接受的 乖乖沒事的 加油哇~陌生人💓🙌🏻
2023-09-17 11:53:47
砲管俱樂部🍑 :
時間教會了我們成長 等待讓我們學會了沈默 安靜讓我們知道了懂事
2023-09-17 07:47:49
人心是換不了人心的 :
2023-09-17 16:18:18
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✨💫💄Removing makeup effectively is crucial for maintaining healthy skin. Here are the steps to remove your makeup, starting with a cleansing balm:  Step 1: Apply Cleansing Balm - Take a small amount of cleansing balm and warm it between your fingers. Gently massage the balm onto your dry face, focusing on areas with heavy makeup, like eyes and lips. The balm will help dissolve makeup, dirt, and oil.  Step 2: Emulsify with Water Add a small amount of warm water to your face and continue to massage. The balm will emulsify and turn milky. This step helps to lift the dissolved makeup off your skin. Step 3: Rinse Off - Rinse your face with warm water to remove the emulsified balm. You can use a soft cloth or washcloth to help wipe away any remaining residue. Step 4: Cleanse with a Second Cleanser - Follow up with a gentle foaming or gel cleanserto ensure all traces of makeup and cleansing balm are removed.  - Lather the cleanser and rinse thoroughly with warm water. Step 5: Pat Dry - Gently pat your face dry** with a clean towel. Avoid rubbing your skin to prevent irritation. Step 6: Tone (Optional) - If you use toner, apply it to a cotton pad and swipe it over your face to help remove any leftover impurities and restore your skin's pH balance. Step 7: Moisturize - Apply a moisturizersuitable for your skin type to hydrate your skin after cleansing. Additional Tips: - Always use a separate eye makeup remover if you have waterproof products. - Ensure your hands and face are clean before starting the makeup removal process. Following these steps will help ensure your skin remains healthy and free from leftover makeup debris.
✨💫💄Removing makeup effectively is crucial for maintaining healthy skin. Here are the steps to remove your makeup, starting with a cleansing balm: Step 1: Apply Cleansing Balm - Take a small amount of cleansing balm and warm it between your fingers. Gently massage the balm onto your dry face, focusing on areas with heavy makeup, like eyes and lips. The balm will help dissolve makeup, dirt, and oil. Step 2: Emulsify with Water Add a small amount of warm water to your face and continue to massage. The balm will emulsify and turn milky. This step helps to lift the dissolved makeup off your skin. Step 3: Rinse Off - Rinse your face with warm water to remove the emulsified balm. You can use a soft cloth or washcloth to help wipe away any remaining residue. Step 4: Cleanse with a Second Cleanser - Follow up with a gentle foaming or gel cleanserto ensure all traces of makeup and cleansing balm are removed. - Lather the cleanser and rinse thoroughly with warm water. Step 5: Pat Dry - Gently pat your face dry** with a clean towel. Avoid rubbing your skin to prevent irritation. Step 6: Tone (Optional) - If you use toner, apply it to a cotton pad and swipe it over your face to help remove any leftover impurities and restore your skin's pH balance. Step 7: Moisturize - Apply a moisturizersuitable for your skin type to hydrate your skin after cleansing. Additional Tips: - Always use a separate eye makeup remover if you have waterproof products. - Ensure your hands and face are clean before starting the makeup removal process. Following these steps will help ensure your skin remains healthy and free from leftover makeup debris.
