@builtbybec: ⭕️ How to Cut a Circle Using a Cheap Pine Board ⭕️ - The walnut top is cut out! Currently doing a happy dance over here. Usually I use my milescraft circle jig to cut circles but this table was just too big. (Milescraft, if you’re reading this...please make a larger jig!) So I went to my scrap pile and I had a 1x8 board that I knew would do the trick and it’s great if your on a budget! - My #tooltuesday definitely goes out to my new plunge router by . It makes it soooo much easier to cut a circle. * * * * * #woodworking #woodworkingtips #diyprojects #diyersofinstagram #diyhomedecor #walnutwood #diningtable #rounddiningtable #woodworkingcommunity #woodworkersofig #woodworkersofinstagram #diymama #girlswithpowertools #womenwhobuild #buildlikeagirl #makermompod #womenwithtools #customfurniture #furnituredesign #howto #michigan #michiganmade #okemos #dewitt #eastlansing #grandledge #bloomfieldhiils #grandrapids
Can you please beautiful Becca show me most of your major equipment and what they are used for in one video then tag me please please - I so appreciate your videos and you actually replied to people !
2023-12-31 15:40:15
Trying to find a video with the least comments that you replied to - just in hopes you can answer my question about equipment!!
2023-12-31 15:38:29
To see more videos from user @builtbybec, please go to the Tikwm