@chala.moves: Want to learn handstands? But don’t know where to start? Then start here with your mobility training. If you neglect your mobility you will run into roadblocks due to your lack of flexibility. Your body will feel stiff, because of your limited flexibility. Start with the foundations building your range of motion, so you can progress to these advanced skills smoothly and confidently. 😎 I am releasing my NEW middle splits program 🗓 Monday Sep 18th!! ➡️ Sign up today with code: STRONGANDFLEXY to get 50% off the first month! If you are looking for help on your handstand journey send me a dm for one-on-one coaching 💌 #handstandchallenge #handstandbalance #handstandpractice #mobiltiy #mobilitytraining #mobilityexercise #mobilitycoach #greece #cretegreece