@mbloyoi.id: gas party.an #ml #fyp #event

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Tuesday 19 September 2023 15:19:44 GMT




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pov: u've had ur eye on jake for a while now, the captain of ur school's basketball team, he's completely captivated u. u find every excuse to watch his practices, though u've exchanged glances and smiles, it's remained at those small interactions. what u don't know he's genuinely glad every time u show up, as u're the only one who hasn't missed a single one of his practices.
pov: u've had ur eye on jake for a while now, the captain of ur school's basketball team, he's completely captivated u. u find every excuse to watch his practices, though u've exchanged glances and smiles, it's remained at those small interactions. what u don't know he's genuinely glad every time u show up, as u're the only one who hasn't missed a single one of his practices. "could u step in for me?" a classmate, who usually cheers on the team in the dog mascot costume, asked u. he can't do his job because he was injured in gym class. since he knows u very well and u are trustworthy and responsible, he knows that the costume is in good hands with u. at first, u hesitated, but eventually, u let urself be persuaded. "it could be fun," ur thoughts drifted to ur crush "and i can cheer him on up close" "what did u say?" blush spread across ur face as the boy wondered. u shook ur head shyly, snatching the mascot costume from his hands, running into the changing room. as soon as u stood in ur spot, u began jumping, waving ur arms with joy. "jake! u got this!" u shouted as loud as u could, ur voice drowning out all others. in the costume, u felt somehow liberated; no one knew it was u. u gave it ur all, no matter how much u sweated under the heavy costume. jake heard ur cheers, looked in ur direction, and smiled widely, clearly delighted by the mascot's support. when he winked at u, sudden embarrassment overcame u. u had never seen him wink at anyone else before. ur loud voice quieted, and u wondered if it was too obvious. internally, u hoped no one could see how red u'd become under the costume. after the game, which jake's team won, u stood still in the costume, slightly away from the crowd, about to take off the head. but when u heard footsteps, u stopped in ur doing. "hey, u really set the mood today! thanks for that" he smiled brightly. u immediately recognizing the voice, nervousness overcame u, afraid to turn around to look at him. u hesitated for a moment before answering. "no need to thank me, u played great" he paused for a moment, his face softened as he stepped in front of u. "i'd love to know who's under that cute dog mascot costume. if ur just as sweet" ur heart raced as u shook ur head fast. he came closer so u could feel his presence. "i have someone in mind and really hope it's that person under the costume" u felt his hands on the head, taking it off. fresh air hit u but didn't help much as u sweated even more from excitement. while u couldn't look him in the face, his smile widened. "it really was you" his voice soft, giving u chills. "i'm happy it's u. i was hoping for it" u didn't know what to say but gathered ur courage to look him in the eyes. "u're even prettier up close," still with a wide smile on his lips. "u're even sweeter than i had to imagine from afar" u laugh shyly, "i- i just wanted to help.. and cheer u on" "it meant a lot to me," jake mentioned, his gaze not leaving urs. "how about u come next time without the costume? i want to see u always, i want u to cheer for me, just for me as u do every time, even if i'm just practicing" ur heart skips a beat at his words. in that moment, even though u're still in the fluffy dog costume, u feel closer to jake than ever. "u're the best.." slipped from ur lips as u got lost in his eyes. he chuckled, knowing from ur blushing cheeks. "and u're really sweet" he gently patted ur head, his touch and just his eyes giving u butterflies in ur stomach. "u were my lucky charm today" suddenly he seemed like he remembered something, looked stressed as he withdrew his hand. "i have another commitment, little one" u were sad over the sudden change in mood but understanding. yet, u'd be lying if u said u didn't wish he'd stayed longer. "i'll wait for u every day, eagerly at ur spot on the bench to cheer me on. i'll show u what i can do through the motivation u give me!" he called out as he waved to u. +comsec #jake #simjake #jakepov #enhypen #enhypenpov #pov
