@eatingwithkirby: 🍂 DAY 2 of 10 - COZY ONE POT RECIPES This Viral Crispy Feta Egg Recipe is more of a ONE PAN recipe, but it is absolutely worth trying 😍 It is also super simple and comes together in only 5 minutes! NO JOKE 💪🏻 I tried two different variations but my favourite is the first one ✨ 1️⃣ crumbled feta + 1 egg + cherry tomatoes + green onions 2️⃣ crumbled feta + 1 egg + togarashi + honey 🌟 Follow @eatingwithkirby for Day 2 of my Cozy One Pot Recipes!🌟 👉🏻 Click the link in my bio for the full recipe 👈🏻 #viralfetaeggs #tiktokfood #tiktoktrend #easyhack #10daysofcozyonepotrecipes #crispyfetaeggs #fetarecipes #fallrecipes #fetafriedeggs