@sourdoughsparrow: Over-proofed but still delicious. 🤗 Sourdough is the best “lost” skill I’ve ever learned. It’s kept me present and helped me heal from three second trimester miscarriages in the last year, brought meaning and divine purpose into my life through stewarding this incredible #sourdoughsparrow community, and financially changed my families lives forever. I had no idea that when I started learning how to make sourdough just two short years ago (through divine inspiration) we would be here. God is always good and knows what’s best for us. I am so honored to help bring back this ancestral knowledge into you and your families lives and hearing your incredible healing stories that this art form has brought into your lives. Thank you for being here and making this journey so meaningful. 😘 #sourdoughmentor #sourdoughtok #sourdoughforbeginners #sourdoughmadesimple #sourdoughtipsandtricks #sourdoughclub #sourdoughcourse #sourdoughcookbook #dehydratedsourdoughstarter #sourdoughstarterfails #sourdoughfail #artisansourdoughmadesimple