@billieraebrandt: *PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION* As you may have realized by now, public speaking isn’t my strong suit. My best thoughts come when it’s just me and my notes app, sans a panel of women. This conversation in particular is one that I had a lot of thoughts on after the fact. While there are still a lot of specifics that were left unclear, here’s what we know: This women has been accepting money for years from an established businessman in increments of hundreds to thousands of dollars in exchange for HIM giving HER “business advice.” Given that context alone, my heart breaks for this man. I’d assume that somewhere along the line in his relationship history, (or current relationship) his partner wasn’t willing to take interest in his passions. So now this man has resorted to paying a woman for attention, appreciation, and friendship. It’s not that hard to take interest in your partner’s passions. I’ve used this example before, but I don’t give a rat’s ass about chess. I try to understand the basics so when @DM Dating tells me about his new ELO score on the couch after a long day, I can share in his excitement. The same goes for @dm.dating listening to me geek out over why I’m switching all of our containers over to glass this week. As cliche as it sounds, a relationship is a partnership. If the person you’re dating fails to take any interest in what makes you unique, leave. The last thing I want for anyone reading this is to end up like this man, paying for a listening ear. I pray that no many ends up like this but even if you do feel compelled to take part in something like this, please know that you have the power and free will to reject that compulsion. Do not allow yourself to fall into habits like this. Having self-respect will, on its own, command respect from others. You should never have to pay for respect or attention. #fortheboys #single #relationships #datingadvice #whateverpodcast
Billie Rae Brandt
Region: US
Friday 22 September 2023 18:25:47 GMT
Tikthothoe3030 :
She’s 100% f*cking him. Don’t for one sec think otherwise.
2023-09-22 21:18:32
thecardiooguy :
I seriously hate how modern day women still believe they r oppressed. Only women have this privilege where someone is able to financially support them
2023-09-23 04:01:29
Damon b :
I missed most of this episode. She's a paid therapist.
2023-09-22 20:59:30
Billie Rae Brandt :
Please read description :)
2023-09-22 18:26:04
Rick :
I read Miss Brandt's description above, and all I can say it that I have NEVER had a woman show any interest in my passions. That never slowed me down
2023-09-23 18:43:01
2023-09-22 19:13:07
Anthony Pacella :
2023-09-22 19:06:01
reelsey :
This whatever show is so weird - I like it but think the topics are so npc judgmental and basic
2023-09-28 03:21:30
.K. :
I'm 30, and I already came to the conclusion that most woman are complete idiots.those older men pay for them to listen,while there wife or close parn
2023-09-26 20:24:40
Pato :
I ain’t giving money for a woman to open her ears .
2023-09-26 09:37:49
scottupham :
As a former long term SD, I’m not buying her story. Almost every SB denies a physical relationship exists in public but it’s always there. Always.
2023-09-25 04:37:29
Bubba_Lifts :
The Asian in the back with the roman looking helmet is gorgeous
2023-09-23 17:41:48
spiralout999999999990 :
and Bangs wants to act like men are trash lol she looked uncomfortable with the truth how women use men lol
2023-09-23 14:49:13
Jesse Spencer :
2023-09-23 09:05:23
BigC :
He wants support but doesn’t want to give support. So he is will to pay for the feeling
2023-09-23 07:10:40
user4085186160631 :
Just hire a therapist or get real friends
2023-09-22 18:51:14
Rick :
I wouldn't give a woman 2 cents to listen to me. Either you want to do it or get the hell out.
2023-09-22 22:55:22
Judge Holden :
War is God
2023-09-22 18:30:57
danny_angel144🪽 :
17 🪽 shit
2023-09-23 00:55:27
jessikazooi :
why does the girl in the back look like a captive?
2023-09-22 21:13:19
wishywashyagain :
In my eye, sugar daddys are pitiful fools.
2023-10-09 10:31:20
Roberts :
Let’s talk about the girl with the german pickelhaube.
2023-10-22 11:12:45
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