@naturalistic.faith: 11 days until my wedding! Here is my shower routine lately and let me say I have been loving the new products I have added! See below what brands are new to the routine and which are staples! The theme for my shower routine is radiance 🧡 I want my skin to be glowing and my even up my skin tone and aid in scarring and I think I got a good routine going! New: Naturium, Nivea, Saltair Staples: Dr. Bronners, Peah Slices, Eco Tools, This is L, Dr. Teals, Cocokind Let me know if you see some products you use! 👀 #showeroutine #newproducts #DarkSpots #bodycareroutine #weddingday #wedding #weddingcountdown #11daysleft #weddingjourney #aesthetics #weddingcountdown #marriage #weddingtok #weddingtiktok #countdown