@svphoenixstudio: 3 things I’ve been contemplating this summer with the growth of my online presence: This summer I went from a bit over a thousand followers to a bit over a hundred thousand followers🤯 Here are some of the things that I’ve been thinking about (but still don’t really have answers to!) 1. How (and in which directions) do I grow while staying aligned with my values. This has definitely been the most challenging to reckon with. As my online audience grows so do opportunities to make money online. With followers comes the ability to be paid to advertise to those followers. But is this right for me? I sell my own art, should I just stick to selling that? Can I make enough money with just that? These questions go back to my values. I don’t want to push consumerism for consumerisms sake. I don’t believe in “buy buy buy, more more more” so I’ve been reluctant to wade into the waters of brand partnerships etc. Perhaps some day it will feel right, but when that day comes it’ll be because I feel an alignment with everything I’m doing. 2. What kind of content should I be producing? This one has also been quite a doozy. I gained all of these followers from X (Roger) but I really want to post Y (sailing and art). I’ve had plenty of times this summer where I’ve felt a sort of creators block with content. I’m also the type of person who cares (way too much) what people think of me and I often get self conscious about how I’ll be perceived through certain videos. This can be tough and I’m sure it’s something lots of other artists/creators can relate to. I don’t have an answer to this yet, but I’m working on it lol. 3. How can I make a positive impact with the new audience that I have? This one goes back to my values again. I studied environmental science in school and am passionate about environmental justice and solutions to the climate crisis. So something I’ve been grappling with is how I can incorporate that more into my online presence and my business as a whole. The cool part of online spaces is they can shine light on how many other folks are thinking your same thoughts. Been thinking about this type of stuff too? Let me know in the comments!

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Tuesday 03 October 2023 19:49:48 GMT




bubbles :
many people (including me) find videos of people carving their lino very relaxing. maybe some videos of more close ups of that?
2023-10-13 02:30:46
ZenHenna :
Post about your daily life on the boat which includes everything that you are and you love ( Roger, Art, boat lifestyle…) ❤️
2023-10-04 13:15:49
ZenHenna :
…And any opportunities or partnerships that fit into that and not feel forced will fit perfectly into your content 😊
2023-10-04 13:17:24
BOY💭💭 :
@ZIN_FIXS on IG help me fix mine yesterday
2023-10-04 14:56:52
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