@paige.koser: Sibling love is the sweetest love. Please note the small hand hold of Brooks helping Crew onto the rock. Having three young children all about 2 years apart is the sweetest thing in life. I love watching their relationships grow. They are truly the best of friends. They help each other out. They play. They fight. They love. They learn and they teach. We thought after having a girl we would be done having kids. But I’m really starting to think otherwise now. #homeschool #homeschoolmom #dayinthelifehomeschool #homeschoolday #homeschooldays #wildandfree #wildandfreechildren #wildandfreekids #homeschoolfun #homeschoollifestyle #homeschoollife #momofthree #momoftoddlers #threeunderfour #wildandthree #homeschoolmama #homeschoolfun #homeschoolpreschool #homeschoolprek #outdoorchildhood #naturekids #unschooler #worldschoolers #homesteadlife #homesteadersofinstagram #homesteaders #homesteading #worldschoolingfamily #unschoollife #unschoolers #homesteadkids