@michaelduggaltoronto: Transform Your Self-Talk: Ask the Right Questions 🤔 Shift your internal dialogue by changing the questions you ask yourself. Instead of wondering why things are hard, ask questions that empower you: 🌟 What can make this easier? 🌟 Who can I ask for help? This simple shift opens up new possibilities and prevents missed opportunities. When things aren’t going well, ask questions that move you forward: 🌟 What can I do to turn things around? 🌟 What’s going well in my life that I can build on? Remember, the questions you ask shape the answers you receive. 🚀 #torontorealtor #torontorealestate #exprealty #exprealtycanada #exprealtyontario #exprealtytoronto #realtortoronto #torontorealestateagent #realestatetoronto #torontorealestate #remax #mikeferry #gtarealtor #tomferry #rickycarruth #expcon #expconcanada #kellerwilliams #homelife #Humberrealestate #realestatetraining #orea #royallepage