@camsvideodiary: Boy did we have a timeeeee 2019 was such a great year! I have so many pics & videos from this semester its so amazing to see gow much ive grown since then + reminded of how much fun Europe is… coming back soon I promise!!! Wouldn’t be surprised if i up & moved there in the next few years 🥹🙏🏾🤞🏾 main acct: @Cammy #abroadlife #abroadmemories #studyabroad #cyprus #europe #solotravel #blackgirltravel #solotravelblackwomen #studyabroadprograms #lifeabroad #studyabroadblackgirl #hostellife #blackgirltravel #blackgirltraveling #blackgirltravelvlog #travelvlog #Vlog #storytime #TravelMemories #wheretotravel #budapest #austria #london #ayianapa #paris #seineriver #louvre #louvremuseum