@finefragrancecollection: Buy for R30 Sell for R60! 🤩 Fine Fragrance Collection the most desired and affordable perfume brand in South Africa, now offers resellers/distributors/agents the Number One direct selling opportunity in the country! 😎 It's SIMPLE! 🤩 Visit our website for details! https://ffcagent.com/ NO JOINING FEE! 🤌 Millions and millions of people in South Africa want designer perfume, but most people cannot afford it. 😌 But at R60 everyone can afford a bottle of designer perfume! 🥳 Please note: agent stock is sold on a first-come, first-served basis! 👈 #perfume #perfumetiktok #designer #finefragrancecollection #ffc #scent #generic #genericperfumes #signaturescent #fragrance #agent