@drrachael: Natural healing is a real possibility. It's not always about medication because what our smoothie recipes aim to do is address the root causes that might be contributing to the issue. We're all about boosting nitric oxide levels, providing antioxidants, increasing magnesium and zinc levels—essentially, we're checking all the boxes that have been clinically proven to impact erectile function. Our goal is to support and enhance erectile function through the power of nutrition using these smoothie recipes. 🍏🥤 🥤🥬 If you have any interest about the E-Function Smoothie Recipe Book 2.0, then you can get your own copy today by checking my link in bio or at the following site: https://drrachaelinstitute.com/smoothierecipes 🥤🥬 #drrachael #menshealth #naturalhealth #epower #NaturalHealing #erectilefuncion#SmoothieRecipes