@clt.spotters: love these clips #cars #carsoftiktok #fyp #viral #porsche

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Region: US
Monday 30 October 2023 01:16:20 GMT




Max :
supra better
2024-10-05 13:33:29
London :
@Rayaah Naidoo beutiful porsche
2023-12-07 20:14:49
Houari_.93 :
That’s true Porsche can fix that 🔥
2023-12-08 22:57:34
IVM Cars :
Anyone in 2024
2024-09-15 11:09:41
writing this to stay on cartok
2024-11-22 17:27:12
R@IZ3N :
Free car clips? Editing time!
2024-10-20 19:33:24
Preston Pelcman :
can I use these clips for an edit?
2025-02-06 16:29:28
ben :
the quality is insane 🔥
2023-10-30 03:06:32
D̷R̷E̷A̷D̷F̷U̷L̷ S̷I̷N̷S😮‍💨 :
yo u got DC I was wondering if u could send me the clip so it wont download with a watermark
2024-11-29 09:17:59
jad :
what phone
2023-12-08 21:13:24
Michael Vorhees :
can I use for a edit were i live there are no cool cars that drive around
2024-11-06 00:23:27
𝙅•° ✯ :
can i use this clip for edit?
2024-11-20 04:51:48
🍪vr_vic🔛🔝 :
so I need to know from any people that know about cars what first car should I get for my 16th birthday that looks cool
2024-10-03 01:24:20
jacob :
How u get the quality like that
2024-08-11 05:57:41
ohitsmee :
What camera is it omggggg
2023-12-08 01:07:12
. :
That one calm car edit🔥
2023-12-09 10:28:17
cars just cars :
man i widh i had a good phone witha. good camera
2023-12-07 10:41:38
.oliver____ :
Cam settings?
2023-12-08 17:11:06
Cal.spotting :
How do you even stabilize like that?
2023-12-08 15:23:43
The quality is perfect💯
2023-12-08 12:30:03
adam :
2023-12-07 21:37:49
Huỳnh Việt Việt :
2023-12-08 00:38:19
pecfilms :
🔥So you taking Gt3 or Gt4?!
2024-01-06 02:57:37
￶ :
Darius Garland 😍
2024-01-21 20:12:04
To see more videos from user @clt.spotters, please go to the Tikwm homepage.

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Uma receita deliciosa e uma verdadeira obra de arte! 😋🎨 ​ Esse Shake Napolitano é tão gostoso e bonito que queremos ver a sua versão! 💚 ​ Prepare o seu, monte assim, tire uma foto e marque a gente. Vamos adorar conferir! 📲 ​ Ingredientes ​✅ CAMADA CHOCOLATE  ​🍫 - 90 ml de água gelada ​ - 1 ½ colheres de sopa (15,6 g) de Shake sabor Chocolate Sensation1 ​ - 1 colher de sopa (12,8 g) de NutreV2 ​ - 2 pedras de gelo (40 ml de água) ​ CAMADA BAUNILHA ​🍦 - 90 ml de água gelada ​ - 1 ½ colheres de sopa (15,6g) de Shake sabor Baunilha Cremoso1 ​ - 1 colher de sopa (12,8 g) de NutreV2 ​ - 2 pedras de gelo (40 ml de água) ​ CAMADA MORANGO ​🍓 - 90 ml de água gelada ​ - 1 ½ colheres de sopa de (15,6 g) Shake sabor Morango Cremoso1 ​ - 1 colher de sopa (12,8 g) de NutreV2 ​ - 2 pedras de gelo (40 ml de água) ​ FINALIZAÇÃO ​🥤 - Flores comestíveis a gosto (opcional) ​ - 1 morango cortado ao meio na altura (12 g) ​ ​Modo de preparo ​✅ 1. Em uma jarrinha, misture a água, o Shake Chocolate Sensation e o NutreV. ​ 2. Com o auxílio de uma colher ou minimixer, misture bem até formar um shake bem cremoso. ​ 3. Prepare os dois drinks: separe dois copos altos de 350 ml, coloque o shake nos copos e adicione 2 pedras de gelo em cada. ​ 4. Repita a operação com o Shake Baunilha Cremoso e com o Shake de Morango Cremoso, fazendo camadas como um sorvete napolitano. O gelo em cada camada manterá o drink refrescante. ​ 5. Finalize o drink, decorando-o com o morango e com as flores. ​ 6. Sirva imediatamente. ​ Informações nutricionais por porção: ​ Calorias: 302 kcal ​ Proteínas: 30 g ​ Fibras: 9,1 g ​ #Herbalife #HerbalifeBrasil #ReceitaFit #ReceitaSaudável #ReceitasRápidas #SaúdeBemEstar #Nutrição ​
Uma receita deliciosa e uma verdadeira obra de arte! 😋🎨 ​ Esse Shake Napolitano é tão gostoso e bonito que queremos ver a sua versão! 💚 ​ Prepare o seu, monte assim, tire uma foto e marque a gente. Vamos adorar conferir! 📲 ​ Ingredientes ​✅ CAMADA CHOCOLATE ​🍫 - 90 ml de água gelada ​ - 1 ½ colheres de sopa (15,6 g) de Shake sabor Chocolate Sensation1 ​ - 1 colher de sopa (12,8 g) de NutreV2 ​ - 2 pedras de gelo (40 ml de água) ​ CAMADA BAUNILHA ​🍦 - 90 ml de água gelada ​ - 1 ½ colheres de sopa (15,6g) de Shake sabor Baunilha Cremoso1 ​ - 1 colher de sopa (12,8 g) de NutreV2 ​ - 2 pedras de gelo (40 ml de água) ​ CAMADA MORANGO ​🍓 - 90 ml de água gelada ​ - 1 ½ colheres de sopa de (15,6 g) Shake sabor Morango Cremoso1 ​ - 1 colher de sopa (12,8 g) de NutreV2 ​ - 2 pedras de gelo (40 ml de água) ​ FINALIZAÇÃO ​🥤 - Flores comestíveis a gosto (opcional) ​ - 1 morango cortado ao meio na altura (12 g) ​ ​Modo de preparo ​✅ 1. Em uma jarrinha, misture a água, o Shake Chocolate Sensation e o NutreV. ​ 2. Com o auxílio de uma colher ou minimixer, misture bem até formar um shake bem cremoso. ​ 3. Prepare os dois drinks: separe dois copos altos de 350 ml, coloque o shake nos copos e adicione 2 pedras de gelo em cada. ​ 4. Repita a operação com o Shake Baunilha Cremoso e com o Shake de Morango Cremoso, fazendo camadas como um sorvete napolitano. O gelo em cada camada manterá o drink refrescante. ​ 5. Finalize o drink, decorando-o com o morango e com as flores. ​ 6. Sirva imediatamente. ​ Informações nutricionais por porção: ​ Calorias: 302 kcal ​ Proteínas: 30 g ​ Fibras: 9,1 g ​ #Herbalife #HerbalifeBrasil #ReceitaFit #ReceitaSaudável #ReceitasRápidas #SaúdeBemEstar #Nutrição ​
#Saltburn ’s production designer Suzie Davies has revealed a detail fans of the film have been dying to know: what #BarryKeoghan was really slurping in the now-famous bathtub scene.  A sexually charged moment in #EmeraldFennell’s film shows Oliver (Keoghan) watching classmate Felix, played by #JacobElordi , having some “alone time” in the bath. As the scene reaches its climax, Oliver appears to lick around the tub, including the drain. Elordi told Variety: “I was very proud… to have Barry Keoghan guzzling it like that.” Speaking to Business Insider, Davies shared details of the scene which she said required only the “most beautiful” bathroom.  Not being able to find one that suited in Northamptonshire’s 127-room Drayton House, where the movie was shot, Davies’ team had to create one in another room.  Every detail was thought about, with every room being given a specific scent. Felix and Oliver’s bedrooms and bathrooms smelt of Felix’s aftershave.  And, Davies revealed, it was “yogurt, a bit of milk and some water”, that the star was seen drinking.   “He did it four times and really went for it. Every one he did was a different kind of slurp,” she added. “Often, when you film things like that, there are 20 people in the room. It’s quite tense. But the cast can bring something that’s so extraordinary, you can hear a pin drop. “So, when Barry was doing his stuff, it was amazing. He had no inhibitions.” #saltburnmovie #saltburnbathscene #lgbtq
#Saltburn ’s production designer Suzie Davies has revealed a detail fans of the film have been dying to know: what #BarryKeoghan was really slurping in the now-famous bathtub scene. A sexually charged moment in #EmeraldFennell’s film shows Oliver (Keoghan) watching classmate Felix, played by #JacobElordi , having some “alone time” in the bath. As the scene reaches its climax, Oliver appears to lick around the tub, including the drain. Elordi told Variety: “I was very proud… to have Barry Keoghan guzzling it like that.” Speaking to Business Insider, Davies shared details of the scene which she said required only the “most beautiful” bathroom. Not being able to find one that suited in Northamptonshire’s 127-room Drayton House, where the movie was shot, Davies’ team had to create one in another room. Every detail was thought about, with every room being given a specific scent. Felix and Oliver’s bedrooms and bathrooms smelt of Felix’s aftershave. And, Davies revealed, it was “yogurt, a bit of milk and some water”, that the star was seen drinking. “He did it four times and really went for it. Every one he did was a different kind of slurp,” she added. “Often, when you film things like that, there are 20 people in the room. It’s quite tense. But the cast can bring something that’s so extraordinary, you can hear a pin drop. “So, when Barry was doing his stuff, it was amazing. He had no inhibitions.” #saltburnmovie #saltburnbathscene #lgbtq
The Gender Plus Hormone Clinic, a private clinic for #transgender youth, is the first of its kind in the UK to be approved by England’s health watchdog. With the approval of the Care Quality Commission (CQC), The Gender Plus Hormone Clinic may now prescribe #hormones to patients aged over 16. Announcing their CQC approval on their website, The Gender Plus Hormone Clinic confirmed that hormone prescriptions will be available to transgender and  #nonbinary patients aged 16 and older, in line with the current national and international guidelines. Those guidelines ensure that patients may only be prescribed hormones once they are assessed by clinical psychologists across three to six sessions. A statement on the clinic’s website reads: “Regulation by the CQC ensures health and social care services in England are safe, effective and well-led, providing compassionate, high-quality care.  “The Hormone Clinic is the only English independent gender child care prescribing service to be regulated by the CQC.” As well as offering prescriptions and overseeing hormone treatment, the clinic will also have staff on hand to answer any hormone-related questions and provide support and medical input throughout the process that accounts for a patient’s gender, sexual orientation, mental health, and neurodiversity. It states that the clinic, which has offices in London, Birmingham, and Dublin, will have gender identity psychological support available for young people who might be questioning their #genderidentity. Thanks to a recent rise in hysteria surrounding the transgender community as a whole, the provision of #genderaffirmingcare  has become a topic of controversy, despite a growing pile of studies that prove its safety and life-saving effects. Last April a UK survey found that just 0.47 per cent of gender identity clinic patients feeling regret after transitioning. A similar 2022 study from the Netherlands found that 98 per cent of trans teenagers who receive gender-affirming care like hormone replacement therapy (#HRT ) continued using it past their adolescence. In September, an Australian study proved that access to gender-affirming healthcare significantly reduces rates of depression, gender dysphoria, and suicide among transgender people. Now, the team behind The Gender Plus Hormone Clinic are hoping that their CQC approval will be the next step in proving the safety and quality of gender-affirming care. This promising update comes just a few weeks before the NHS’s only gender-identity service for children in England and Wales is scheduled to shut down. The NHS’s Gender and Identity Development Service (GIDS) in the #Tavistock Centre was originally set to shut in spring 2023, after the CQC rated it as “inadequate”, but those plans were pushed back to March 2024. Last August, a freedom of information request revealed the horrifying wait times faced by trans people seeking gender-affirming care from the NHS. It revealed that the average wait time for a first appointment after being referred for medically-necessary gender-affirming care was 220 weeks. In one instance, a patient had been waiting 35 years to receive gender-affirming care. New NHS clinics are scheduled to open in the south of England in April and in the north-west of England this autumn. #transhealthcare #transyouth #lgbtq #transrights #lgbtnews
The Gender Plus Hormone Clinic, a private clinic for #transgender youth, is the first of its kind in the UK to be approved by England’s health watchdog. With the approval of the Care Quality Commission (CQC), The Gender Plus Hormone Clinic may now prescribe #hormones to patients aged over 16. Announcing their CQC approval on their website, The Gender Plus Hormone Clinic confirmed that hormone prescriptions will be available to transgender and #nonbinary patients aged 16 and older, in line with the current national and international guidelines. Those guidelines ensure that patients may only be prescribed hormones once they are assessed by clinical psychologists across three to six sessions. A statement on the clinic’s website reads: “Regulation by the CQC ensures health and social care services in England are safe, effective and well-led, providing compassionate, high-quality care. “The Hormone Clinic is the only English independent gender child care prescribing service to be regulated by the CQC.” As well as offering prescriptions and overseeing hormone treatment, the clinic will also have staff on hand to answer any hormone-related questions and provide support and medical input throughout the process that accounts for a patient’s gender, sexual orientation, mental health, and neurodiversity. It states that the clinic, which has offices in London, Birmingham, and Dublin, will have gender identity psychological support available for young people who might be questioning their #genderidentity. Thanks to a recent rise in hysteria surrounding the transgender community as a whole, the provision of #genderaffirmingcare has become a topic of controversy, despite a growing pile of studies that prove its safety and life-saving effects. Last April a UK survey found that just 0.47 per cent of gender identity clinic patients feeling regret after transitioning. A similar 2022 study from the Netherlands found that 98 per cent of trans teenagers who receive gender-affirming care like hormone replacement therapy (#HRT ) continued using it past their adolescence. In September, an Australian study proved that access to gender-affirming healthcare significantly reduces rates of depression, gender dysphoria, and suicide among transgender people. Now, the team behind The Gender Plus Hormone Clinic are hoping that their CQC approval will be the next step in proving the safety and quality of gender-affirming care. This promising update comes just a few weeks before the NHS’s only gender-identity service for children in England and Wales is scheduled to shut down. The NHS’s Gender and Identity Development Service (GIDS) in the #Tavistock Centre was originally set to shut in spring 2023, after the CQC rated it as “inadequate”, but those plans were pushed back to March 2024. Last August, a freedom of information request revealed the horrifying wait times faced by trans people seeking gender-affirming care from the NHS. It revealed that the average wait time for a first appointment after being referred for medically-necessary gender-affirming care was 220 weeks. In one instance, a patient had been waiting 35 years to receive gender-affirming care. New NHS clinics are scheduled to open in the south of England in April and in the north-west of England this autumn. #transhealthcare #transyouth #lgbtq #transrights #lgbtnews
