@cybernation_sg: Its appetite aroused, the gator finally snaps its jaws over the slithery eel, only to be stunned. Small eels can carry a charge up to 100-150 volts while larger breeds can produce upto 860 volts of electricity. It takes barely more than a minute before the gator is stunned beyond capacity to move. #aligator #eel #electriceel #electric #electricuted #electricity #volt #tiltokuni #LearnOnTikTok #intrestingfacts #fact #gatorlife #EelPower #ElectrifyingEncounter #PredatorVsPrey #JawsOfTheGator #ShockingMoments #EelElectricity #WildlifeEncounter #ElectrifyingPredator #GatorAttack #EelVoltages #PowerfulEncounter #Nature'sShock #AdrenalineRush #PredatorPreyDynamics #ElectricEelPower #FierceBattles #GatorSnap #Nature #VoltageOverload #StunningEncounter