@pisaurucestv: love those apple pies - they keep the voices quiet! by the way guys— i’ve really been getting into the “I’ve Had It” podcast. is this potentially something i could clip? is there a listener out there that would enjoy some Jen and Pumps content? let me know! this isn’t my account ~ it’s OUR account ~ and i value your input. #thebaldandthebeautiful #trixiemattel #katyazamolodchikova #katyazamo #trixieandkatya #podcast #podcastclips #mcdonalds #applepies #crispyrs #hearingvoices #someonecheckonkatya #howmanyofyouwerescared #metooiwasreallyreallyscared #caffiene #dragqueens #okay #bonk #bakedapplepiessoundsosad