@jacobzemer: My thighs measure 30 inches. Why? Because of these go-to quad exercises. In this video, I am utilizing the Youtube tier list format to explain why you need to incorporate these into your workout program: 1️⃣ Tier S - Hack Squats 2️⃣ Tier S - Leg Press 3️⃣ Tier A - Pendulum Squat 4️⃣ Tier A - Leg Extensions 5️⃣ Tier A - Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat 6️⃣ Tier B - Heels Elevated Barbell Back Squat 7️⃣ Tier B - Walking/Reverse Lunges #legday #quads #quadexercises #squats #fitnesstips #fitnesstip #Fitness #bodybuilding #training #muscle #strength #workoutvideos #workoutvids #performancecoach #personaltrainer #nyctrainer #nycfitnesstrainer #nycfitfam