@australiangreens: From @jordonsteelejohn on ADHD: I know the current ADHD medication shortages are really distressing for everyone impacted. This is a snippet of some questions I raised on the subject in parliamentary Estimates. Key takeaways: 1. The 30mg Vyvanse shortage is anticipated to resolve by December 31st 2023 2. The classification of the medication is exacerbating the shortage The questions I ask in the clip are answered by members of the Health Products Regulation Group within the Department of Health. Professor Tony Lawler who answers my initial question, also confirmed that other strengths of Vyvanse are not expected to be impacted by the shortage and that the shortage itself is global and due to manufacturing issues. Issues like this one are shining a huge beaming spotlight on the importance of the ADHD Inquiry Report due to be released this Monday 6 Nov! 🔦