@trifoliumgirl: The Texas attorney general's office in downtown Austin received an envelope containing a white powdery substance on Thursday, prompting a response from the Austin Fire Department for a potential biohazard exposure. The attorney general's office is housed at the William P. Clements Jr. State Office Building. The fire department tested the substance, which was negative for anything dangerous, said Sgt. Victor Taylor of the Texas Department of Public Safety. The fire department dispatched Special Operations crews and the Austin-Travis County EMS. According to the emergency personnel, three asymptomatic individuals were transported to Dell Seton Medical Center out of an abundance of caution. Taylor confirmed the attorney general's office received an envelope with the substance that was addressed only to the office. The public is advised to avoid the area due to extensive road closures. The fire department and Department of Public Safety are currently investigating the incident. #envelopesubstance #austintexas #texashazmat #hazmat #attorneygeneralofficeaustin #attorneygeneralhazmat